Tuesday, November 24, 2009

4 Month Pictures, Birthdays and Anniversaries

This was our last stroller ride of the season. The weather was beautiful this past weekend. I guess we are going to have to welcome the cold and snowy winter weather!!

Here is Mr. Adam snug as a bug in his carseat/stroller.

Sissy Grace likes her hat! She reminds me of Aunt Betsy and Cousin Olivia in this picture!!!

Forgive me.....I cannot get the pictures in the order that I was wanting them.......so here they are in random order.

Happy Anniversary to my brother Mark and his wonderful wife Tiffany on November 11th. Happy Birthday to Tiffany on November 15th.

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa Keller on November 14th.

Grace and Adam are almost 5 months old, but here are some pictures we had taken at 4 months.They are growing so much. Both weight 15 pounds. Adam is no longer 1 1/2 pounds behind his sister and he is now longer than her.

Happy Halloween to my little lady bug and giraffe!

What's up cowboy?

Can you count my rolls from head to tu-tu?? She will hate me later!

We are so happy to get our pictures taken!!

We have had a lot going on in the past month or so....lots of birthdays and anniversaries.

Happy Birthday to our Sister Jennifer on November 20th!! Here is Jennifer and her wonderful family!

Happy 1st Birthday to my niece Madison Olivia Keller October 30th. Maddie is getting a birthday "squeeze" from here Schumacher cousins.

Happy Anniversary to our sister Betsy (and Adam's Godmother!!) She and Josh's Anniversary is November 24th. Josh is always in our thoughts and hearts!

Happy Birthday Grampy Schumacher. #60 on Halloween!! Grammy and Grampy got Grace and Adam their Illini outfits for the party.

Until next post.......Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Two Cowboys and Miss TuTu

I know, another post for me already!!!! I just had to put these pictures on. I was changing Grace and she was so happy and smiling that I thought I would try on her Tu-Tu and flower head band from Aunt Tiffany.
Here I told Gracie that she looked chubby in her tu-tu and she started smiling really big!!

I must say that this is one of my favorite pictures!! My favorite cowboys. I had got this hat for Adam and Brian had not seen it yet. Brian got in late that evening and was really tired. I came around the corner with Adam and his hat. Priceless moment....Brian's smile was as big as I've ever seen. So, needless to say, Brian got his hat and we had to take pictures!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Update on Grace and Adam

Here is the latest on Grace and Adam. They are 3 1/2 months old now. I have returned to work...yuck! Anyway, they are sleeping all night so that makes it easier for me to know that I am not missing much. They are growing quickly and like to eat as you can see.

Here is sweet baby Grace getting her beauty sleep!!

Here is Mr. Adam supporting his football outfit!

They actually are starting to look a little like each other. Don't you think??

They woke up very happy this morning and were both talking and staring at their mobile. Adam liked laying in Sissy's bed!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


It has been awhile since I last posted. Time seems to be flying by TWICE as fast. Grace and Adam were baptized on Sunday, August 30th.

Here are Grace and Adam with Grandma and Grandpa Keller.

And with Grammy and Grampy Schumacher.

Grace's Godparents: Uncle Mark and Aunt Tiffany.

Adam's Godparents: Aunt Betsy and Uncle Eric.

And of course, Mommy and Daddy!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Almost 7 weeks!!

It is hard to believe that Grace and Adam will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. They are growing quickly and keeping us very busy!! Some days I feel that all I get done is feeding, changing, rocking.....over and over. But I am OK with that and seem not to care about much other than them! Here are a few pictures to start you out with.

Here is Grace and Adam with their I love MOM outfits from Chris and Beth Probst. They better love me....they spend most their time with me!

This is one of my favorite pictures that we have from when the babies were born. I don't think they are even an hour old yet. Brian is such a great dad. I think that his expression says it all!

This picture is when they were 2 days old. They are both very good babies. My, how they have changed already!

Babies are crying. Got to go. It has taken me 2 days to make this post. I have to work on it and save in between baby duties!! Enjoy!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Babies are Coming!!

We thought this day would never come! Tomorrow Brian and I will be able to see our two babies. I am scheduled for a c-section due to babies sizes, running out of room, one breech, etc. As I mentioned before, I am not good on keeping up on things, but hopefully will have some pictures eventually on my blog. I would like to thank my wonderful sister-in-law Tiffany for the "beautiful" pictures she posts on her blog!!! Paybacks are hell Tiff! However, you all will probably get to see most of my family's updates through her. We are excited and nervous about tomorrow. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming....they do have Keller/Schumacher genes running through them you know. Keeping this a little short. I have a few things to do before tomorrow (imagine that)!
-Sarah and Brian

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Let's Give it a Try!!

Ok. So the blog world is going to be very new to me! Thank you Tiffany for giving me this gift. I thought that I would make a quick post and try it out. Don't expect pictures or anything fancy just yet. I may have to call on the twins' aunts Tiffany and Betsy for help to get this ball rolling. However, I do know that I am going to have to get faster internet because the turtle that is driving this right now can compete with the patience of motherhood!!!!!
As for the pregnancy, I cannot complain much. When you wait 4 years to be blessed with a baby (or BABIES!!), nothing else seems to matter. It is hard to believe that we only have 2-4 weeks left before we became a family of 4! I am currently on a "modified" bedrest and no more ER work thanks to the contractions that I did not know I was having. I guess my body was telling me to slow my pace.
Tiffany you definately picked a great title: The Miracles of Two. I cannot even tell you the number of people who have been praying for us, people who don't even know us well. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you Miss Madison Olivia Keller for being our miracle baby. You came into the world a few days early....just happening to be the day that your two little cousins were given to us.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I made this blog for you so you and the many people who love these babies already can follow the many joys you and Brian are about to experience. Mark and I would have to say having a child is the greatest accomplishment. You can't quite comprehend how much love you are going to have for two people you have never met. You and Brian are going to be great parents and I and the whole world can't wait to tag along!
