Sunday, May 17, 2009


I made this blog for you so you and the many people who love these babies already can follow the many joys you and Brian are about to experience. Mark and I would have to say having a child is the greatest accomplishment. You can't quite comprehend how much love you are going to have for two people you have never met. You and Brian are going to be great parents and I and the whole world can't wait to tag along!



  1. Hey Sarah
    You look so adorable pregnant. Sorry I didn't make it to you baby shower. We was in St. Louis all weekend.I hope you did get alot of nice stuff. Cant wait to meet your bundles of joy. I am so happy for you and Brian. Marla Helmink

  2. Brian and Sarah....oooh I love the site idea. hmmm, I wonder if you will have time once they arrive?!! I can't wait. I'm thinking new life will be great therapy..and miracles would benefit so many. you are both in my thoughts and prayers. love you much.
    auntie jennifer

  3. I found you! and could not be more excited you have your blog!!! Miss you a lot at work, but hope your doing well and resting up for the big day. Can't wait to meet them! Melissa Earnest
