Tuesday, November 24, 2009

4 Month Pictures, Birthdays and Anniversaries

This was our last stroller ride of the season. The weather was beautiful this past weekend. I guess we are going to have to welcome the cold and snowy winter weather!!

Here is Mr. Adam snug as a bug in his carseat/stroller.

Sissy Grace likes her hat! She reminds me of Aunt Betsy and Cousin Olivia in this picture!!!

Forgive me.....I cannot get the pictures in the order that I was wanting them.......so here they are in random order.

Happy Anniversary to my brother Mark and his wonderful wife Tiffany on November 11th. Happy Birthday to Tiffany on November 15th.

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa Keller on November 14th.

Grace and Adam are almost 5 months old, but here are some pictures we had taken at 4 months.They are growing so much. Both weight 15 pounds. Adam is no longer 1 1/2 pounds behind his sister and he is now longer than her.

Happy Halloween to my little lady bug and giraffe!

What's up cowboy?

Can you count my rolls from head to tu-tu?? She will hate me later!

We are so happy to get our pictures taken!!

We have had a lot going on in the past month or so....lots of birthdays and anniversaries.

Happy Birthday to our Sister Jennifer on November 20th!! Here is Jennifer and her wonderful family!

Happy 1st Birthday to my niece Madison Olivia Keller October 30th. Maddie is getting a birthday "squeeze" from here Schumacher cousins.

Happy Anniversary to our sister Betsy (and Adam's Godmother!!) She and Josh's Anniversary is November 24th. Josh is always in our thoughts and hearts!

Happy Birthday Grampy Schumacher. #60 on Halloween!! Grammy and Grampy got Grace and Adam their Illini outfits for the party.

Until next post.......Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!