Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Two Cowboys and Miss TuTu

I know, another post for me already!!!! I just had to put these pictures on. I was changing Grace and she was so happy and smiling that I thought I would try on her Tu-Tu and flower head band from Aunt Tiffany.
Here I told Gracie that she looked chubby in her tu-tu and she started smiling really big!!

I must say that this is one of my favorite pictures!! My favorite cowboys. I had got this hat for Adam and Brian had not seen it yet. Brian got in late that evening and was really tired. I came around the corner with Adam and his hat. Priceless moment....Brian's smile was as big as I've ever seen. So, needless to say, Brian got his hat and we had to take pictures!!


  1. The twins are so adorable. Love both pics. Marla

  2. How beautiful!! What a way to give us all a smile for the day!! Pink TuTus and cowboy hats are some of the finer things this life has to offer. XXOO Grandma

  3. they are too cute!...i would say brian looks for like a croc hunter...i loved the crocodile hunter :p BTW where do you get those cute headbands Miss Grace wears?

    Terri Wolf

  4. Little Miss Grace is a Diva in the making!!!

  5. tears of joy and happiness and thanksgiving. just what i needed....praise GOD!!
    auntie jennifer
    love to you all
