Sunday, August 16, 2009

Almost 7 weeks!!

It is hard to believe that Grace and Adam will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. They are growing quickly and keeping us very busy!! Some days I feel that all I get done is feeding, changing, rocking.....over and over. But I am OK with that and seem not to care about much other than them! Here are a few pictures to start you out with.

Here is Grace and Adam with their I love MOM outfits from Chris and Beth Probst. They better love me....they spend most their time with me!

This is one of my favorite pictures that we have from when the babies were born. I don't think they are even an hour old yet. Brian is such a great dad. I think that his expression says it all!

This picture is when they were 2 days old. They are both very good babies. My, how they have changed already!

Babies are crying. Got to go. It has taken me 2 days to make this post. I have to work on it and save in between baby duties!! Enjoy!


  1. Great post Sarah!! I don't see how you get it all done!!! The twins have a great mommy!!

  2. God only gives us what we can handle. You sum it up, Sarah!
