Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Almost One.....

Boy, we have been busy!! Grace and Adam are growing and changing everyday. Both are walking now... Grace at 10 months and Adam at 10 1/2 months. 22 pounds for Adam and 21 pounds for Grace. They tend to travel in pairs and stop to make "small talk" and laugh with each other. I just love to sit and watch them. Both are good eaters...I've got some meat and tater babies on my hands!!

They love to empty out the diaper caddy and pull diaper wipes out one by one!! This all happens with your back turned for 2 seconds. Oh well....it can all be cleaned up....they are happy.
What a Ham....she makes us laugh all the time. She has to back her butt up to and sit on everything.

Little sailor boy.....wearing his daddy's outfit. They look so much alike at this age. Brian just had a little more hair.

They love their swings...the higher the better.

Adam hangs on immediately after you put him in the swing.

They love their wagon rides at Grandma and Grandpa Keller's house. Maybe if you are good kids, you will get one for your birthday!!! Adam is so laid back (like his daddy)....hangs his arm out the side of everything (car seat, stroller, wagon.....)....road tripper????? Grace on the other hand, cannot sit still for very long at all. Sorry to say she probably inherited some of that Keller nervous-energy!!!
Sweet baby Gracie at our cousin Lisa Will's wedding. Quite the pretty girl!!

My handsome little man!! He looks so big in his suit and gel in his hair!! Little heartbreaker!

They couldnt' stand still for very long. Now that they can walk, they were off to the races..down the aisle!

This is one of their favorite things to do....stand at the door and wait for visitors.

Hard to believe that the next time I post they will be a year old!! So sad that they are growing up so fast, but I love watching every step.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chubby Bunnies!!

I hope that everyone had a nice Easter. We sure did. Grace and Adam are 9 months old now!! I know, hard to believe. Grace is 20 pounds and AJ is 20 1/2 pounds. They are so busy and all over the place. They are both pulling up to everything and Grace is very close to walking!!

Here are our 2 Schu-bunnies!!
Look Mom, one hand!!

One happy family.

Are you done taking pictures yet??

Our swings came. Can we help you open the box??

No more room left on Mom's lap!

Now, that is cute!! They both have such nice figures!!! HA!!
I'm a little stinker!

......And I am tired.

By the end of the day.....we are all tired. They are so much fun and we have enjoyed the ride thus far. I love spring time!! The weather is so nice and I can finally get them outside more! They are loving their outside swings! Hopefully I will be posting those pictures soon.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Update on the Schumacher Family

What have we been up to?? Well, Grace and Adam are 7 months old. Adam is now bigger than his sister in height and weight. They are busy, busy, busy. Grace loves to army crawl and Adam loves his walker and to barrel roll on the floor.

Here is Miss Gracie in action. She can get up on all 4's but then realizes she can move a lot quicker on her belly.

Adam has figured out how to go forward in his walker instead of backwards and side-to-side. He is a quick little fart.

Dirty laundry anyone?? I found it easier to dump the laundry out on the floor to fold it and put them in the laundry basket. Lucky for me they were having a blast. What little cheese balls!!! Can't you just squeeze them!!!!
As for the holidays.....it went by quickly. Here are some pictures....
These two little packages were our favorite gifts under our tree this year!

Ready for the winter storm?? We can't move mom!!

Merry Keller Christmas with cousin Madison!! I look forward for the years to come!!

Thanksgiving with the Schumacher clan. What a good-lookin crew.

Grace and Adam at 5 1/2 months old. It is amazing how much they have changed already since this picture. It doesn't take long!!

I am trying to look like my Uncle Patrick in this picture (if only I was wearing light blue!!!!)

I am happy to report that Gracie is starting to grow into those cheekers now at 7 months. She definately is showing them off at 5 1/2 months here!!

It is always an event when you try to get a family picture...isn't it? You always think to yourself, "Why in the hell are we doing this!!"....as babies scream, no one is looking, one is hungry, the other crapping their pants....etc. But then....you look back and are so glad that you went through the "painful experience" to capture specific moments because time just goes by too fast.

We have had a busy year to start and it is only February.....we will hopefully post again soon with more updates on the Grace and Adam duo.